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Rivanna Trails

Interactive Map to Support RTF

24 Jun 2014 7:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
The City of Charlottesville is currently revising its 2003 Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan under the leadership of Amanda Poncy, the city's biking and pedestrian coordinator. As many of you know, the RTF participated mightily in drafting the 2003 Plan, and we are grateful that the city has done so much over the years to support the Rivanna and other trails.

As part of this current project, the city has posted an online interactive map through which people can indicate desired routes or destinations, including ones in the county. One must register and log in, but does not have to be a city resident to do so.

Participating in this mapping activity is a great way to expand and help protect our trail system. Thanks for all the ways you help the RTF.