We believe that community-wide trails serve as a resource for nature-related recreation and environmental education by individuals as well as teachers, bird watchers, walking clubs, and other local groups with environmental concerns. Well-maintained neighborhood trails provide children with a safe setting in which to play, a place for adults to exercise, for neighbors to get to know each other in a new way, and for community members to enjoy the beauty of our riverine areas.
RTF is a volunteer organization supported solely by tax-deductible contributions. Membership dues offset costs associated with the establishment and maintenance of trails and footbridges and the publication of maps. You can help this effort by joining the Rivanna Trails Foundation. Read about the early history of the RT, or email info@rivannatrails.com for more information.
RTF relies on volunteers to help build and maintain the trail system. The Foundation foresees trail maintenance as a collaborative effort, with neighbors joining in to maintain their neighborhood trail segments with pride and a sense of ownership. To find out more about volunteering or to help your neighborhood Trail Adopter, email info@rivannatrails.com.